Financial plan — In general usage, a financial plan can be a budget, a plan for spending and saving future income. This plan allocates future income to various types of expenses, such as rent or utilities, and also reserves some income for short term and long… … Wikipedia
Financial plan — A financial blueprint for the financial future of a firm. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * Ⅰ. financial plan UK US noun [C] FINANCE ► a plan made by a person or organization about their income, spending, etc.: a… … Financial and business terms
financial plan — A blueprint relating to the financial future of a firm. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * Ⅰ. financial plan UK US noun [C] FINANCE ► a plan made by a person or organization about their income, spending, etc.: a comprehensive/detailed/long term … Financial and business terms
Financial Plan — A comprehensive evaluation of an investor s current and future financial state by using currently known variables to predict future cash flows, asset values and withdrawal plans. Most individuals work in conjunction with an investment or tax… … Investment dictionary
Long-term financial plan — Financial plan covering two or more years of future operations. The New York Times Financial Glossary … Financial and business terms
long-term financial plan — financial plan covering two or more years of future operations. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
Short-term financial plan — A financial plan that covers the coming fiscal year. The New York Times Financial Glossary … Financial and business terms
short-term financial plan — A financial plan that covers the coming fiscal year. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
medium-term financial plan — vidutinės trukmės finansinis planas statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis NATO – einamasis planas, kuriame pateikiami paskesnių penkerių finansinių metų poreikių projektai. atitikmenys: angl. medium term financial plan šaltinis NATO mokymų ir… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
Financial planning (business) — Financial planning is the task of determining how a business will afford to achieve its strategic goals and objectives. Usually, a company creates a Financial Plan immediately after the vision and objectives have been set. The Financial Plan… … Wikipedia
financial forecast — UK US noun [C] FINANCE ► a statement of what a company s financial position is likely to be in the future, for example what its costs, income, and profits will be: »Be sure to provide a financial forecast to prove the viability of your business.… … Financial and business terms